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How to run an approximate pass in trans?

To perform an approximate analysis in trans, you need to proceed in two steps: 1. build a null distribution and 2. use it to adjust nominal P-values. Conversely to the full permutation pass (link), the null distribution here is designed to adjust nominal P-values for the number of variants being tested. To illustrate this process, first download this example data set:

Step1: Build the null distribution

To do so, run the command:

QTLtools trans --vcf genotypes.chr22.vcf.gz --bed genes.simulated.chr22.bed.gz --sample 1000 --normal --out trans.sample

This basically choose randomly 1,000 phenotypes, permute them and test for association with all variants.

We strongly recommend to use the option --normal here to make sure that all phenotypes are distributed the same way.

This produces 3 output files, but you're are interested only in the file that list the best associations discovered for each shuffled phenotype.

zcat | head
ENSG00000223704.1 -1 4.7752e-06
ENSG00000025770.14 -1 0.00029513
ENSG00000183569.13 -1 0.00017113
ENSG00000226471.2 -1 2.28579e-05
ENSG00000167077.8 -1 1.84116e-05
ENSG00000226471.2 -1 3.45359e-05
ENSG00000211644.2 -1 2.24922e-05
ENSG00000268292.1 -1 3.26526e-05
ENSG00000182841.8 -1 6.16083e-05
ENSG00000241360.1 -1 2.49368e-05

The columns in this file are:

Since --sample 1000 has been run, there are 1,000 lines in this file. This forms a null distribution that can be used to correct P-values in a nominal pass; similarly to what is done in cis.

Step2: Adjust the nominal P-values

To run a nominal pass and adjust the P-values given the null distribution, use:

QTLtools trans --vcf genotypes.chr22.vcf.gz --bed genes.50percent.chr22.bed.gz --adjust trans.sample .best.txt.gz --normal --threshold 0.1 --out trans.adjust

This does the same than --nominal, excepted that each nominal is adjusted. Specifically, the most notable options used in this command are:

The output is now corrected for the multiple variants being tested, but we still need to correct for the multiple phenotypes being tested. To do so, we proceed in a very similar way than in cis.

Extract significant hits

Here, We need to determine the adjusted P-value threshold corresponding to a given FDR and then use it to extract all significant hits. At this point, we therefore need to look at two particular files that the last command has produced: and trans.adjust.hits.txt.gz. The first will be used to determine the adjusted P-value threshold that will help to filter out unsignificant hits from the second. To run all this, we provide a minimalistic R script that can obviously be adapted, extended and optimized according to your needs. To run this script, use:

Rscript ./script/runFDR_atrans.R trans.adjust.hits.txt.gz 0.05 output.txt

The file output.txt is a subset of trans.adjust.hits.txt.gz that basically contains all significant hits at the specified FDR level.

Monday 11th July 2016