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How to run bamstat?

The bamstat mode of QTLtools requires two files as input:

To illustrate how it works, we provide the 2 following example files:

Then, you can run bamstat on these two files running the command:

QTLtools bamstat --bam HG00381.chr22.bam --bed gencode.v19.exon.chr22.bed.gz --filter-mapping-quality 150 --out HG00381.chr22.bamstat.txt

Note that we use the option --filter-mapping-quality 150 since it is the recommended value to remove bad quality reads in a BAM generated with the GEM mapper.

This command produces an output file HG00381.chr22.bamstat.txt as follows:

610860 489276 469678 26771 20179

The 5 columns give:

From this file, you can then compute the ratios B/A=80%, C/A=77% or E/D=75% to assess the quality of your sequence data.

Monday 11th July 2016